Saturday, 23 January 2016

Feedback on Rough Cut 6

If you were to give the film opening a rating out of ten what would it be?
Response 1- 8
Response 2- 7
Response 3- 9
Response 4- 8

Was the narrative clear during the film opening? If not why?
Response 1- Yes
Response 2- Yes 
Response 3- Yes 
Response 4- Yes 

Did you find the film opening engaging or did you find yourself bored?
Response 1- It was engaging, and fast paced, good for a film opening.
Response 2- I did, it worked well and I would watch the whole film.
Response 3- It was.
Response 4- Yes it was engaging.

Rate the cinematography out of ten?
Response 1- 7
Response 2- 8
Response 3- 8
Response 4- 7

Rate the editing out of ten?
Response 1- 9
Response 2- 9 
Response 3- 9
Response 4- 8

Rate the setting of ten in relation with the genre?
Response 1- 6
Response 2- 6
Response 3- 5
Response 4- 6

Rate the music of ten?
Response 1- 9
Response 2- 9
Response 3- 9
Response 4- 8

Did you feel there are any improvement that need to be made?
Response 1- Exposure varies.
Response 2- Maybe a better location?
Response 3- Colour correction needed
Response 4- Gym scene should have a darker filter to follow other conventions.

Specifically which part of the film opening did you enjoy and why?
Response 1- The gym scene worked really well.
Response 2- Gym.
Response 3- Chase scene.
Response 4- Match cuts and how the linked with the gym scene, this made the narrative so much            better.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Feedback on Rough Cut 4

If you were to give the film opening a rating out of ten what would it be?
Response 1- 7
Response 2- 7
Response 3- 8
Response 4- 7

Was the narrative clear during the film opening? If not why?
Response 1- Yes.
Response 2- Yes.
Response 3- Yes.
Response 4- Yes.

Did you find the film opening engaging or did you find yourself bored?
Response 1- It was engaging and fast paced.
Response 2- The opening was engaging.
Response 3- No the music needs to be more appropriate to the scene. 
Response 4- Yes it was engaging.

Rate the cinematography out of ten?
Response 1- 6
Response 2- 7
Response 3- 7
Response 4- 7

Rate the editing out of ten?
Response 1- 9
Response 2- 7
Response 3- 8
Response 4- 8

Rate the Setting of ten in relation with the genre?
Response 1- 6
Response 2- 6
Response 3- 5
Response 4- 6

Rate the music of ten?
Response 1- 9
Response 2- 9
Response 3- 9
Response 4- 8

Did you feel there are any improvement that need to be made?
Response 1- Music needs to suit the scene.
Response 2- No.
Response 3- Need to improve the narrative.
Response 4- Extend the match cuts.

Specifically which part of the film opening did you enjoy and why?
Response 1- Match Cuts.
Response 2- Chase scene.
Response 3- Chase scene.
Response 4- Chase scene.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Feedback on Rough Cut 1

I asked 4 people, after each rough cut, the following questions, on rough cuts 1, 4 and 6. The reason I did it on these rough cuts was to show the development and progression clearly, rather than after each rough cut, whereby development may be minimal.

If you were to give the film opening a rating out of ten what would it be?
Response 1- 5
Response 2- 6
Response 3- 7
Response 4- 5

Was the narrative clear during the film opening? If not why?
Response 1- No, as the match cuts were hard to see in context and made it hard to follow.
Response 2- Not sure why they he gave the bag over.
Response 3- I was unclear on why he was being chased.
Response 4- Not really, why was he training?

Did you find the film opening engaging or did you find yourself bored?
Response 1-  In a way, however the narrative made the film hard to follow.
Response 2- Yes, it was good because of it's fast pace.
Response 3- Lack of music made it hard to engage.
Response 4- Needs music as its hard to concentrate when the footage is this raw.

Rate the cinematography out of ten?
Response 1- 8
Response 2- 7
Response 3-8
Response 4-7

Rate the editing out of ten?
Response 1- 6
Response 2- 7
Response 3-6
Response 4-6

Rate the Setting of ten in relation with the genre?
Response 1- 6
Response 2-5
Response 3-6
Response 4-7

Rate the music of ten?
Response 1- N/A 
Response 2- N/A
Response 3- N/A
Response 4- N/A
(At this point we did't yet have music)

Did you feel there are any improvements that need to be made?
Response 1- Music is needed to provide a link to genre.
Response 2- Music is a must.
Response 3- Lack of music.
Response 4- Music is needed .

Specifically which part of the film opening did you enjoy and why?
Response 1- The match Cuts, but they need to be worked into the film better.
Response 2- I liked the use of several shot types. 
Response 3- The match cuts.
Response 4- The Go-Pro shots were engaging and provided good variation.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Rough Cuts

Rough Cut 6
This also includes my annotation for evaluation question 5. This was a step up from rough cut 5, and was somewhat very close to the final product, all that is left to do is re shoot two shots, and colour correction. Feedback can be seen here -

Rough Cut 5

Rough cut 4
This was a development on 'rough cut 3', whereby we worked on adding in titles at the begging from the use of after effects. Feedback can be seen here -

All Match Cuts Rough Cut
This is a post, showing all the match cuts we have filmed and are using. In relation to the making of these, we took inspiration from Casey Neistat (see here). As a group we were all interested in cinematography and in relation to our film we thought this would fit really well.

The Brief Rough Cut 3
This showcases all our up to date clips in order, cut down and edited together. We are doing each edit step by step, changed things round and working out what works best. Our next step is music.

The Brief Rough Cut 2
We uploaded this rough cut as when reviewing our first rough cut we noticed a few areas which didn't fit as well as we would have liked. So we edited it again, and decided on shots to re-shoot, along with extra shots to add.

The Brief Scene Rough Cut 1
After our first full session of filming, we uploaded all the clips and edited them together, and this was what we came up with. We noticed, having reviewed this footage that we needed more clips and needed to re-shoot many, however it was very beneficial in relation to learning about our surroundings, giving us a clear idea of how we wanted to film this scene and with editing the clips together. Feed back can be seen here -

How we manage and sort our clips

We put them all into Final cut and as a group choose the clips we wish to use. We then use a separate folder to put all our primary shots in so that we don't get confused as to which we have and which we haven't used.

With the other clips we put them in another folder rather than deleting them so if we spot an error we are able to either reshoot or swap out that clip for another.

In terms of grading them we have the best ones at the start of the discarded clip folder. While the other ones are at the back of the folder. Furthermore we have named the clips with a description of the shot and ranked in comparison to the others of that same shot.


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

My Experience

Originally we planned to film on the opening weekdays of our 2015 Christmas holiday, however due the unfortunate weather we weren't able to film. I myself then was away between Christmas and New Year, so we weren't then able to film until New Years Day, the weather again was dreadful, so we pushed it back until the final weekend of the holidays, once again we were let down by the elements, so we moved it back until after school on Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday the 7th.

These mishaps were difficult to work around, however, although we are now filming at a later stage, the weather is now slightly improving and we should still have all our shots before our editing masterclass, whereby we will need the majority of our footage.

Our current plan is to work around our free periods and time after school. We have our call sheet ready so we know what to film, and when to film it, so now its just a case of getting it done!

On Tuesday 5th we went out to shoot for the first time, however we didn't have a piece of nessersary equipment, the bag, which could have not happened had we improved communication before hand. This is vital too our shoot so we got the one clip we could get without it, which was shot 15. This wasn't all that bad, as the rain once again began to set in, so our filming would undoubtably have been cut short anyway, however we plan to film Wednesday 6th after school, and again on Thursday 7th in our free periods and after school, where the weather should improve.

On Wednesday 6th, we went out to film shots 8-14, as shot 15 was already done. The overall shoot was a success, and we realised that our location was perfect for shooting, however looking back at the footage, we need more shots to improve its fluidity and to make more sense overall, we made an effort not to break the 180 degree rule and did every shot until we got we were happy. Now we have almost half the shots, we can go back and improve certain shots as we go. Having experienced our mishap on day 1 of shooting, we were much more organised in the run up to the shoot, and we able to over come any problems we had.

We shot the following day on Thursday 7th in school. We set out to get the shots we will use for the match cuts in the school gym, we feel these were a success, however we are yet to review the footage to determine whether it is good enough to use.

Our plan from here was to film on Sunday 10th, however, once again the weather was out to get us, with snowfall over night and rain during the day. From here we planned to continue our filming on Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th if we need it, at this point we should be complete with filming, and from here can begin the editing process.

We kept in contact over Facebook messenger to find dates we were all around to film, and make plans for the near future. We wanted to film on Wednesday the 20th, however we all fell ill, and with recent snowfall were waiting for the snow to full melt.

At this point we worked on updating our footage, adding music, titles and more or less, the editing! We produced 'Rough Cut 5'.

To advance on Rough Cut 5, we wanted to improve the narrative, and help the film flow better, so me and Robbie went out to film more Go-Pro footage which turned out successful. HOWEVER, although our film made sense in our story board, it didn't quite work after reviewing the final product we had in our overall film, we weren't satisfied! Our narrative could be improved massively in our opinion, just by moving clips around and composing our music to really emphasise the genre and to provide more effect. We took our ideas back to the story board, to change the layout of our clips and scenes, and decide where we needed more shots, and where we perhaps didn't need shots.

To develop on this, me and Robbie took charge to go and film a whole new scene. We incorporated a whole gym scene at the begging, along with text messages to improve the narrative and continuity. The match cuts now make sense and it flows better. Along with this, me and Alex found some music which worked great! Myself, Robbie and Alex edited this footage to the music which has turned out really well! The mark of the film went from an average C, to a predicted A, so I would reflect on this as successful.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Call Sheet

Following on from our shot list, here is our call sheet...

  • 15th shot
  • 8th shot
  • 9th shot
  • 10th shot
  • 11th shot
  • 12th shot
  • 13th shot
  • 14th shot
  • 1st shot
  • 2nd shot
  • 3rd shot
  • 4th shot
  • 5th shot
  • 6th shot
  • 7th shot

The reason I have chosen to film the clips in this order is because it is easier in relation to locations and timings for us, as shot 8-15 are all shot in a similar area. We have already got the 15th shot which is why that has been placed first. Shots 1, 2, are in the same location.

Shots in blue highlighted have been shot...
Shots in red are going to be re-shot...