Monday, 12 October 2015

Bridget Jones's Diary Analysis

Romantic Comedy...

The Players:
Richard Curtis- Wrote the original book of which the film was based upon, Andrew Davies adapted that to create the film.

The first few shots taken from Bridget Jones's Diary are the production companies involved in making of Bridget Jones's Diary.

'Working Title' are a major film company, and attract the biggest stars, typically American, and if British, white and southern, this is because, from a marketing point of view, this sells more copies, therefore, more income for Working Title, which is the primary focus of the company.
-4 company idents:
-Universal Studios // 20 seconds
-Studio Canal // 16 seconds
-Miramax Films // 14 seconds
-Working Title // 10 seconds
Altogether 60 seconds

The 1st Shot:

  • In BJD, the opening shot contains the main character, with a medium close up shot. Rarely do you see the main characters face immediately, however due to the nature of the film, it is logical with reference to the non-diegetic sound of her thoughts, therefore we can see who's voice it is, helping the viewer follow the plot. 
  • Female main character, this could suggest it relates to girls more than guys, potentially making it a romantic film, or 'chick flick'. Uses cross fade for transition between shots. The mise en scene has only a small level of importance, however, it is key in determining the time of year and what this could denote it is Christmas/winter due to the weather (snow).
  • The film opening lasts 11 minutes and 54 seconds.
  • The opening sequence begins at 60 seconds / 1 minute.


  • Main Title is in bold, and a larger font than the subtitles

  • Non Serif.
  • Positioned left side of the screen.
  • They include names of directors and procures etc
  • Each last the same length of time and fade in and out
  • each are the same size apart from the main title
  • The size of the sub titles don't change, signifying each person has contrubted the same to the overall production and making of the film
  • The job of which each person named is smaller and thinner, whereas the name is a bigger font and in bold.
  • the colour stays the same throughout
  • there is no animation to the titles 

Subtitles before main title...
  • These subtitles come before the main title... 'Bridget Jones's Diary', the subtitles are a lot thinner in comparison, this could denote that every person involved in production adds up to something much bigger, 
  • Signified by the font // Serif font.
  • All positioned on the left and in the same font and size.
  • 19 subtitles in total before main title
  • Each title has a 9-10 second gap between each one and last for 4 seconds each
  • Overall the subtitles last 1 minute and 40 seconds after 1 minute of company idents.

Sound, Music:

  • The opening sequence has non diegetic and diegetic sound.
  • Non diegetic is in the opening shot, we hear 'Bridget Jones's' thoughts over watching her go to her mums for Christmas denoted by the heavy snow, which leads to verisimilitude.


The opening scene follows the main character, and uses non diagetic speach from her, from this we get to know the character and can see things from her perspective. There is also binary opposition between 'Bridget', and a 'divorced single man' who her mother tries unsuccessfully to set her up with to begin with.

Shot Variety:
The shot type varies throughout the opening sequence, including and establishing shot in the opening scene. Along with a close up which brings power to the scene.

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